The reality of the world is it's an often terrible place and once you see how screwed the world is on so many different levels it's like its own proverbial Lovecraftian horror that will drive you mad knowing all that's screwed up in the world. Like all good Lovecraftian horrors too it's about scale and the seeming insignificance of one person seeing it all and knowing realistically to do anything about it you're a single ant trying to fight a Tsunami. There is a reason we often don't want to know everything. There's a reason we don't want to have to deal with everything everyone else sees as an issue in the world all the time because honestly even just the stuff I know about if I just fully acknowledge all of it I feel like I'm screaming inside my own head. This is why not everything has to be about everything bad all the time. The constant push for everything [current events] and that could be deemed socio-political to be mentioned in everything and brought to the forefront is not a trend I agree with.
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Taken from the intro to A Robot Named Fight |
Also the "Oh but some-one might not know about it so it has to be front and centre" no...... just no...... if people give two smegs about the issue in question they'll likely have heard from other people. Some people's whole hobby seems to be politics these days and how they have not gone entirely insane is beyond me and don't pull the "Everything is political" BS to claim somehow everyone is engaging in partisan political systems all the time as though the interaction is deliberate or should be deliberate this is how the debate over facemasks became a god damned political argument. It's like a Vegan going to a shoe shop and going "You wear shoes right? We'll they're made of leather that comes from cows hope you enjoy your walk in the dead skin of a murdered cow your psycho." Sometimes people just want to buy a new pair of shoes and not ones with plastic soles that rip my damn feet apart.
Some parts of life are not fun to think about but here's the thing Jim Sterling brought up, the idea that some people can't forget about it because the events happened to them the awful stuff in the world happened to them....... So does that mean everyone needs a constant flow of everything awful that's ever happened to everyone else in the world all the time? I've lived a relatively comfortable life but I wouldn't want to subject people to some of the stuff I've had happen to me. Sure I'll share it sometimes when / if it gets on top of me but you reading this don't need to know, you don't need that additional burden, even as awful and depressing as this blog likely is already. You my readers come here for something maybe a bit insightful, maybe a bit funny or informative, maybe you're here to break up the monotony in the office or just by chance from a search engine. Who am I to push all my issues on you at once? Even though it's my blog and I could if I were so inclined. People need a break and need an escape from time to time and it really should be up to individuals as to on what level they want to engage with stuff rather than everything assuming it must be engaged with on all levels. People need time away from the problems of their lives and the world they live in. Hell that was actually an argument put forward by Bob Chipman of all people at one point. However sites like Polygon and others want things more overt, more in your face and making sure everyone knows what it's about going so far to argue that using things as an allegory for issues isn't enough and you have to plainly tackle the exact issue as is so it can be seen as a blatant obvious statement being made by the game telling the player the clear issue and how to feel about it. There's even people on twitter upset because Ghost of Tsushima doesn't tell players about awful things done by Japan to Mongolian people........ hundreds of years after the game is set.
For some people there apparently is no disengaging allowed. No breaks allowed. Except in reality when they themselves disengage and don't think about the politics of everyday life and or the suffering of others. Adopting the mindset of perpetually caring about everything means even going to the toilet should have you thinking about those in other countries not lucky enough to have running water and proper sanitation.
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Source = Giphy clip taken from the film Scott Pilgrim vs the World |
Some parts of life are not fun to think about but here's the thing Jim Sterling brought up, the idea that some people can't forget about it because the events happened to them the awful stuff in the world happened to them....... So does that mean everyone needs a constant flow of everything awful that's ever happened to everyone else in the world all the time? I've lived a relatively comfortable life but I wouldn't want to subject people to some of the stuff I've had happen to me. Sure I'll share it sometimes when / if it gets on top of me but you reading this don't need to know, you don't need that additional burden, even as awful and depressing as this blog likely is already. You my readers come here for something maybe a bit insightful, maybe a bit funny or informative, maybe you're here to break up the monotony in the office or just by chance from a search engine. Who am I to push all my issues on you at once? Even though it's my blog and I could if I were so inclined. People need a break and need an escape from time to time and it really should be up to individuals as to on what level they want to engage with stuff rather than everything assuming it must be engaged with on all levels. People need time away from the problems of their lives and the world they live in. Hell that was actually an argument put forward by Bob Chipman of all people at one point. However sites like Polygon and others want things more overt, more in your face and making sure everyone knows what it's about going so far to argue that using things as an allegory for issues isn't enough and you have to plainly tackle the exact issue as is so it can be seen as a blatant obvious statement being made by the game telling the player the clear issue and how to feel about it. There's even people on twitter upset because Ghost of Tsushima doesn't tell players about awful things done by Japan to Mongolian people........ hundreds of years after the game is set.
Oh also eating Paste magazine is trying to claim the game about defending against invaders is imperialistic because it involves defending what was Japanese territory.
The whole thing and the whole push to me just reeks of trying to force the issue on a number of subjects and not allowing people to just be neutral or disconnect for a moment. The neutrals are people they either want on side or to be allowed to fight them. They see people being neutral as a problem.
The whole thing and the whole push to me just reeks of trying to force the issue on a number of subjects and not allowing people to just be neutral or disconnect for a moment. The neutrals are people they either want on side or to be allowed to fight them. They see people being neutral as a problem.
For some people there apparently is no disengaging allowed. No breaks allowed. Except in reality when they themselves disengage and don't think about the politics of everyday life and or the suffering of others. Adopting the mindset of perpetually caring about everything means even going to the toilet should have you thinking about those in other countries not lucky enough to have running water and proper sanitation.
You can almost bet people who demand people perpetually care honestly only care for their pet issue, they entirely ignore any other issue from any other groups quite often even if they would likely agree with the issue. The reason is perpetually caring about issues others suffer constantly on top of your own issues is very much the road to madness. Humanity has to compartmentalise sometimes and forget how bad things may be in other areas of the world. It doesn't mean you don't care about said issues just because you're not perpetually thinking of those issues and pretending otherwise just makes you seem like a sanctimonious smeg head who is just using this as an excuse to try and prove yourself better than everyone else or an excuse to take shots at others. Or in the case of others you're just trying to settle old score, possibly even old scores between nations.
*blows raspberry in the direction of France*
To be clear I'm not saying people shouldn't care about things. I'm not saying people shouldn't have issues they care about and mention. People should mention it because that's how others might learn of it but there should be an acceptance that those who do care likely will heard about it without everything related to it needing to be about it. I've not seen Aquaman because of the growing evidence Amber Heard is actually an abuser who used the media to try and further and continue the physical and psychological abuse against her ex Husband. I've NOT seen Deadpool 2 because of what I can only call the exploitation of a person hired to do stunts for the film, who wasn't a professional stunt person at the time, whose eagerness was and desire to do things was taken advantage of to save some money on the shoot. Thanks to that penny pinching she ended up doing a stunt that claimed her life because they wouldn't let her wear a bike helmet. I bet none of the reviews of the film mentioned that little bit of information because it's not just the games industry awful stuff happens in. Hell people should be mad at Ubisoft or more specifically those people alleged to have done things who honestly should if Ubisoft has the evidence to fire them be facing literal court trials as Ubisoft passes evidence onto the police because some of this stuff sounds like literal criminal actions.
Personally though I don't think reviews are the place to mention such stuff. I'd much rather see reviews come alongside what I call critiques of the games and industry which can go more into such issues and allow sites to bring up other points for those who wish to engage with them. Let people have that choice and if they want be able to not engage. Same with sites, don't push it into every article but do put out pieces specifically about the issues.
Anyway I hope people enjoyed complaining how Ubisoft didn't mention the allegations against employees on their livestream as they tweeted how bad Ubisoft was for only giving an official statement on social media from their iphone made under sometimes illegal work conditions or at least when they're not illegal conditions so bad workers often try to end their own lives.
*blows raspberry in the direction of France*
To be clear I'm not saying people shouldn't care about things. I'm not saying people shouldn't have issues they care about and mention. People should mention it because that's how others might learn of it but there should be an acceptance that those who do care likely will heard about it without everything related to it needing to be about it. I've not seen Aquaman because of the growing evidence Amber Heard is actually an abuser who used the media to try and further and continue the physical and psychological abuse against her ex Husband. I've NOT seen Deadpool 2 because of what I can only call the exploitation of a person hired to do stunts for the film, who wasn't a professional stunt person at the time, whose eagerness was and desire to do things was taken advantage of to save some money on the shoot. Thanks to that penny pinching she ended up doing a stunt that claimed her life because they wouldn't let her wear a bike helmet. I bet none of the reviews of the film mentioned that little bit of information because it's not just the games industry awful stuff happens in. Hell people should be mad at Ubisoft or more specifically those people alleged to have done things who honestly should if Ubisoft has the evidence to fire them be facing literal court trials as Ubisoft passes evidence onto the police because some of this stuff sounds like literal criminal actions.
Personally though I don't think reviews are the place to mention such stuff. I'd much rather see reviews come alongside what I call critiques of the games and industry which can go more into such issues and allow sites to bring up other points for those who wish to engage with them. Let people have that choice and if they want be able to not engage. Same with sites, don't push it into every article but do put out pieces specifically about the issues.
Anyway I hope people enjoyed complaining how Ubisoft didn't mention the allegations against employees on their livestream as they tweeted how bad Ubisoft was for only giving an official statement on social media from their iphone made under sometimes illegal work conditions or at least when they're not illegal conditions so bad workers often try to end their own lives.
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