All games should have big boobs.

I like big boobs. Big boobs give me joy. As people play games for enjoyment therefore as I want this and it would mean at least 1 person getting more joy from games therefore it should be added into games.

I mean ~51% of the world's population have boobs and clearly some of them have big boobs so therefore this would be a move towards inclusion for those who often aren't well represented in media and made to feel pressured to get reduction surgery to fit in with beauty standards.

Now I'm more than aware some sexists will be against all games having big boobs in them. Maybe even some getting mad on in their hives of misogyny like ResetERA where they love to spout their puritanical views about how women should dress. However they need to understand this is a move for better inclusion in gaming spaces.

How can I be expected to play and enjoy a complex tale of loss without big boobs on screen quite often?

So I put it to you all games should have big boobs.

Right I couldn't keep the joke premise going much longer and if you're familiar with my previous writings you probably figured this was a jokey article that was going to actually turn round after and be about a more serious and complex subject. Would I like big boobs in all games? Sure. However obviously big boobs wouldn't be a good fit for all games.

What I decided to do was use big boobs to hopefully highlight what I see as a growing problem that I refer to as "Burger King" mentality towards games. The comment that you should always be able to "Have it your way". Normally this comes up in relation to difficult games with people calling for an easy mode. The general argument being it's for the sake of inclusion and while some gamers with disabilities are able to play the game not all are thus there should be a special difficulty options. While in theory that sounds good it's surprising how a number of people online claiming to need difficulty options due to their disabilities seem to have conditions that I'm not entirely sure how they really impact their ability to play as is. One woman I ran into yelling about how Sekiro needed an easier difficulty mode for example had a condition where she was unable to get a proper night's sleep so had to have naps in the day (And no to be clear it's not Indie Gamer Chick whose shown more than willing to play hard games in the past without needing an easier mode).

The problem is if games are art then part of their mechanics and difficulty can be said to be part of that artistry. With Dark Souls and Sekiro the idea of being killed and coming back to fight again is in keeping with the themes of the game. The game is designed mostly not to have an unfair level of difficulty and it's designed for you to learn and improve.

The thing is Dark Souls and Sekiro, they're not for me. I however respect what they do, I might try Bloodborne at some point as that looks interesting to me but I will go in knowing it's a hard game. I don't expect the game to be catered just to me.

I do understand there are some accessibility features that can be put into games. Sekiro actually did have one with rebindable controls but few places mentioned that and instead the call has been for some mythical easy mode deigned so everyone can finish the game. The problem with such a mode is to put it in would mean having to make said mode so it literally could be beaten by everyone. The only way to do that would be to ensure there was so little challenge in the game that it would become a joke. Enemies never attacking. Bosses just standing there letting you kill them. This is what's being asked for, an easy mode everyone can beat, well assuming you can just about use a controllers.

I'm in favour of accessibility features that don't take away from the idea or themes of the game and help bring people in who otherwise would be incapable of playing let's say due to colour blindness or strobe lighting in the game impacting those with photosensitive epilepsy. Rebindable controls to allow specialised controllers to be use help people to be able to be lifted up to handle the difficulty level of the game.

The reality is not all games will be for everyone or include what everyone wants. So to those who read this and thought my suggestion of all games having big boobs sounded silly, well yeh because the idea that all games should be designed to appeal to everyone is a silly idea. Just as the idea of some mythical special easy mode being put in will finally make games accessible to everyone without it somehow changing the tone of the game.
